Saturday, December 8, 2012


A lot of people expect honesty from each other, especially in relationships, but what's the point of asking for honesty if you know you can't handle the truth? I personally like hearing people speak the truth it's usually entertaining and, well, true. I'd rather someone tell me I look terrible today than saying I look good and I walk around the rest of the day thinking that I do indeed look good.
However, there are times when I don't care what someone tells me, so I'll do what I want anyway. Anyway, when I hear honesty I also think of secrets. Secrets are something that everyone has. I have secrets, my boyfriend has secrets, my parents have secrets, teachers, neighbors, friends, strangers, we all have secrets. It's just something we keep because we're afraid of judgment, afraid of pain. I'll admit, I'd prefer to keep some secrets to prevent others from feeling pain or because I'm afraid of what someone will think.
When we have crushes we keep it a secret, or we keep the secret between you and a best friend. At that point it's a shared secret and we all have plenty of those as well. It's somewhat relieving when you tell a friend. Now you're not the only one who has to carry this burden or this embarrassment. I'm beginning to realize that there are sometimes too many secrets. Those secrets are the ones that ruin lives.
Cheating on each other in relationships or in marriage. Being homosexual. Being suicidal. Having some sort of illness. These secrets can burn the inside of a person. Finally revealing these secrets, on the other hand, are much harder than keeping them. How will my family look at me the same? what will happen to my relationship? Is there a point in telling anyone? These questions prevent us from speaking out our pain, our burden.
Here's the thing, no matter how bad, no matter how depressing, no matter how humiliating, it's better to tell someone what's going through your head rather than keeping it in. Express your emotions and don't keep them to yourself. You'll realize it's a lot better than dying little by little. I challenge you to be honest this whole week. If you get slapped well, they just can't handle the truth. If you lose friends, well, I guess they weren't really your friends. And you, make sure you can handle it because that will make you stronger than anyone else.

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