Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The world is intimidating. There is so much violence, natural disasters, and people treating each other poorly. Everyone is expected to know what they want by the time they reach their senior year of high school. Life after high school is so difficult. There is a scarcity for jobs and employers are looking for that perfect fit, the one who has a college degree and meets their check list.
Yet, everyone searching for a job right out of college don't seem to find the job in that career they majored in. A lot of these graduates end up with a minimum wage job along with those who didn't go to college. These graduates from Berkley and Irvine and all these high class places working with those from community college if they went to college at all. So many high school students have set the bar low and aim to at least graduate high school and maybe community college because they can't afford any universities. I've heard so many times from my peers, "What's the point of going to a university if I'm gonna end up with a minimum wage job? There's no point in spending so much money."
Honestly, being in the same shoes as most of them, I completely understand, but it's so hard to decide since half of it is true and half of it isn't. What if I do get the chance at finding a job for that career I want so badly but I can't get it because of the school I went to? Then again if I don't find a job with that major I won't be disappointed because I didn't take the risk. There's a good and bad side to things.
Personally, I wish I could take a year off and live life to the fullest but there's something inside me that tells me to push through and continue studying, eventually I will have the money to do what I want, but it's not now. There's a constant debate, but no answers or solutions. Which will I end up choosing? There's no way to tell, but my hopes are that it turns out to be the best decision.
As far as the future goes, I'm still young and hope I don't regret not going out and trying things. I wish I was spontaneous but that's far too risky. What will the future hold? There's no way to know for sure.