Monday, December 10, 2012

"People die everyday"

It's a bit late, and I'm a bit anxious to get to bed, but there's a situation that has been bugging me for years now that became known to me, more clearly, how much more it bugged me. Jenni Rivera, an apparently very famous Mexican singer, died recently in an airplane accident. Turns out the plane she was on exploded. It's a big deal.
An old friend of my sister (let's call him Franky) put on his Facebook page that a soldier also died in the war and that he is more concerned about that death and not the death of Jenni. His friends disagreed and were angered at how unsympathetic he was being, but Franky fought back saying that he didn't say he didn't care at all about Jenni's death, he only said he was more interested in the death of a soldier.
This has always annoyed me. Celebrities get so much more attention than anyone else. As it is said, "people die everyday" but are they acknowledged? Not always. Celebrities, however, get a massive funeral and everybody cries for them, great, but I'm more concerned about what Franky is concerned about and that is the soldiers that are fighting for our benefit, for our freedom, and to protect us. Theses people are never to be acknowledged except by their families and friends. It's not broadcasted, it's not all over the news. It's not talked about for weeks or even months.
Celebrities are a bigger deal, apparently, but I really don't care what they ate, what they wore, or even if they overdosed. That's their problem and I don't want to hear about it. I'd rather hear how this brave soldier who fought for my freedom and for our country. I'd rather hear about the pilot and what he experienced when that plane was about to explode. I want to know how his family will take and how the other passengers' families will take it. I can care less if Jenni Rivera was on that plane. I'd rather get to know someone I never knew before like that girl who died in my school. She was only 17, but does anyone care? Not really. They're more concerned if Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are ever going to get back together, or if this new relationship Taylor Swift is in will last or become yet another song. I want to hear about every single breast cancer fighter. I want to know about kids with leukemia.
Celebrities were just people that are made known to a bigger audience. Why can't we make everyone a celebrity and care about everyone! Please, pray for that soldier and his family, and yes, pray for Jenni Rivera and her family, but most importantly, pray for the families that suffer a tragedy everyday. Those are the most important deaths in the world: the ones that are unknown to us.

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