Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm wrong

Can I do anything right? I try so hard to please people and make good impressions but is what I'm doing wrong? Maybe I'm not working hard enough, maybe I need to try better, study longer, be nicer. But then I stop to think, wait, why am I the only one doing anything?
If something goes wrong at school, it's my fault for not getting a good grade. If my boyfriend and I get into an argument,  I'm the one overreacting. When there's a rumor, it's my fault for influencing it. No matter what I do, I come out on the bottom. It's all my fault I should have known better. You know what? Yes, I should have known the world would be against me at some point.
I can never be good enough. I want too much and work so little. Apparently, I'm not as smart as I thought I was and no one is afraid to tell me that. When I worry or care people get annoyed by me and tell me to "back off." Yes, I set myself up to be disappointed, I expect so much out of people but I need to remind myself that I am alone. Everyone will always be against me. I can do nothing right. When I want things to work, and I really hope they do, I'm expecting too much. When I know that someone I am friends with can succeed if they try hard, I will do whatever I can to help them and tell them they can do it, but no, I'm expecting too much and pushing them too hard. Am I doing something wrong?
I thought I was a hard working student, but I'm "maybe average" and need to "study more." My grades "have to raise" even though it's only the fourth week of school and so little of my grades have been put in. I need to "stop acting like this" and just "relax" but how can I when I'm suppose to be doing so much for so many people. I have to succeed. But it's okay if someone else screws up because they have an excuse to be that way, it's "how they are" and I have to accept that. So why am I the only one changing and that's okay? I thought people had to accept me for who I am? No, it's because it's me that everyone else is doing the right thing and I'm the only one doing wrong.
I learned today that no matter what I think, I am always wrong. When I think something is unfair to me, it's okay since it's someone else committing the issue. When I think I deserve a little bit better, I am not only setting myself up for disappointment and expecting too much. Somehow I thought people could change for me, for my sake, not because I tell them to, but I was wrong. I'm still the one with the problems and need to fix that. There's no way out of this misery.

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