Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Be smart

Are girls nowadays that misled? Are we falling down the chart of intelligence? Honestly, I fear for our well-being. There have been too many incidents and issues that have arisen because of teens being, well, for lack of a better word, dumb.
Recently, there was a movie on TV that my mom had recorded. I'm not sure what its title is, and I missed most of the movie, but towards the end it is discovered that the protagonist's mother was guilty of posting videos or pictures of her daughter, potentially ruining her future. This movie definitely got me thinking, but just thinking simply disappears after 24 hours. However, I had overheard a few males who attend my high school talk about girls, who also attend our school, who had sent naked pictures of themselves to someone but those pictures were sent around and most of the males are currently in possession of these photos. I am disgusted.
According to Libby Quaid, who wrote of this topic on huffingtonpost.com, 1 in 4 teens admit to sending naked pictures of themselves. 1 in 4! Teens are slowly losing my respect. The fact that a lot of the girls who have sent pictures of themselves are girls I know or have grown up with and that disturbs me more than anything. I don't care how much they "trust him" no guy can keep that to himself, be honest with yourself girls! RESPECT yourself! These pictures don't just go away, with a snap and a click those pictures will not only be sent to the person you intend to send it to, but also his friends, the internet maybe, and sometimes it makes a full circle and ends up on a phone or screen of someone you DID NOT want to see that photo.
At the same time, when you send a picture of yourself, there's nothing left to the imagination and the conquest to be boyfriend and girlfriend is lost because everyone automatically assumes they'll "get some" and be done with it. Boys at our age are not as respectful as we expect them to be. Personally, I do not see an age where boys finally mature to the point that they do not do stupid things like forward naked pictures of a girl, and I've met plenty of older men to understand they will almost always resend that photo. Please, girls, be conscious of your actions because anything you regret will always come back to haunt you, no matter how "cool" you are, how much you "trust him," or even how much you "don't give a fuck," you will care. If you don't, I do, because you not only ruin the reputation for yourself but also the rest of us girls. Once one girl sends a picture, all girls are expected to and that's just not fair. I am not trying to put guys down, I just see it more commonly in girls; yes, I am aware that boys also fall victim to this and I hope you heed my advice.
Here's my challenge to you "sexters" out there: Respect yourself and receive respect in return. Stop sending naked pictures or any kind of dirty picture and see how differently you are treated.
Please, be careful. Be aware!

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