Saturday, October 19, 2013

Be smart (2)

I always thought my generation was one of the worst generations and I still believe that but some of the adults now are terrible teachers. It's sad to see the world the way it is becoming.
Yesterday my mom and I went shopping, we had just parked and were heading into the store when we say this kid leave a shopping cart right behind a car instead of taking it 5 more steps to its supposed location, where it really belongs! My mom and I turned to the kid and were like "Really?" The kid looked us straight in the eye then turned around and walked away! His mom gave us a dirty look! Really?!
A week prior to this situation I was babysitting and went to the store with this child, we were sitting outside eating ice scream when this man parked over two spots in a handicap zone with no handicap permit. He got out of his car, looked at me, and kept walking! I snapped a few pictures and we sat outside eating until he came back out, got in his car, and sat there on his phone. Seriously people?!
It's already bad enough that society is so high paced and introverted that no one gives a crap about each other or anyone but themselves now we are teaching the future generations such bad habits! The same goes for driving. Recently I passed my driving test, and since I live in a city I decided to take the test in a city environment for the fact that I will be spending most of my life driving in a city. Everyone around me, however, took their test in a country setting because it's "so easy to pass." I am going to die! How can I trust the drivers around me if they took their test where there's nothing but cows?! It's so easy, I get it, no one wants to challenge themselves, which is why a lot of immigrants are taking hard labor jobs because no one wants to work hard. Everyone wants that teacher that gives easy A's, or that elective that gives you credit just for showing up. It's so easy to find the easy way out but life is not that simple and all those people will be screwed when they find that out. I for one love challenges and being logical. Why in the world would I take my driving test in the country setting when I live in a city? Why would I take regular classes if the subject is so easy to me? Why would I speed when I know I may get caught? Where's the fun in the easy way out? I see no reason to take the easy way.
As for the children of the world, seriously parents, teach your kids to have respect. If by the age of 10 they are cussing you are doing a bad job. If by the age of 6 your child is obese, get them into a sport ASAP! By high school they should be testing their limits, seeing the world in a different perspective, and being respectful. If your kid by the age of 16 cannot have deep, logical conversations, they are not being tested by life. It is important that kids grow up to be better than we were not worse. The challenge this week: Be smart.

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