Saturday, January 19, 2013

Give a little something

Last night I realized something. My parents had just picked me up from church and I was feeling hungry so I asked if they would take me to Jack in the Box. I was in the mood for 99 cent tacos. We show up and order. My parents pull out their wallets; my dad hands the cashier his last few dollars and my mom hands them change. 4 tacos, brownies, and a large soda. When we received the food I began to eat and talk to my parents. 2 tacos in I realize how big the tacos are. They've never been like that before. My parents saw me struggling and began to laugh.
My dad explained to me that it must have looked like we ordered 4 tacos to feed the 3 of us. Scraping for money didn't help, it just made us look desperate. As funny as my parents found it, I actually appreciated the gesture. Maybe there are others who are actually poor and can only afford to eat tacos. The people in Jack in the Box truly wanted us to eat, so they probably feed the poor well.
My dad told me that there was a Jack in the Box located near a Home Depot that sell 3 tacos for 99 cents. Normally it's just 2, but there are workers that can only afford to eat tacos, so this Jack in the Box decided to give them more for less. If only the rest of the world could be so generous. If only we could easily give up a little something to give to someone something much bigger than we think. A little gesture to say, "I'm here for you. I am your guardian angel."
People need to let go of material things and give up one the whole rich guy dream. Be humble and grateful and the world will love you the way you are. My challenge to you: give someone something no matter what the cost, I'm sure they will appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I nominated you for the Liebster award :)!

    Check it out on my blog
